Sunday, April 10, 2011

trying to hire new caregiver

Well, this is a new experience...I have only interviewed one person so far, but it was nice meeting her...she reminded me of someone I know that makes it easy. I got to know another person over the phone, she is a delight, but it didn't work out for her...but she is a nurse and we may be able to use her for service plans and that would be good too...
I have been so tired lately that I need the just catches up with you and soon you have nothing to give which isn't fair to anyone...
I am loving Mr. Brooks he is such a wonderful person. His grandchildren came today and played his piano for us...that was so nice. Since we don't make it to church very often, it was nice to have that sweet spirit in the home of good music.... they are awesome.
Mr. Brooks has been up and down and I guess that is how it will be....he is always positive and he is an amazing example of how you should treat people and he see good in everyone...absolutely everyone.
Granny gave us a big scare, one of the antibiotics she was given plummeted her glucose count to below 50 and under 50 causes brain damage...I thought she was having a stroke..we had to take her to the emergency room and have test done, and get some sugar in her....she is fine now...back to hallucinating and talking to people at night that aren't there...she woke up yesterday and told me she ate a dog, chased a horse and made pies during the night.....see it can be very very interesting :)
Hope you are all having a wonderful Sunday and I will let you know how the hiring a caregiver is going! It's funny to think of me as a boss....

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