Saturday, April 2, 2011

Wow What a Week....

Mr. Brooks was having bowel troubles, and we had to call the hospice to come out twice..not fun for him, not fun for us... :) I even gave my first enema, not as bad as it sounds... thank goodness :)

Granny gave us another scare, she was taking the generic version of Bactrim...well what we didn't know is it could lower her blood sugars...and so she got as low as you can without brain damage...scary thought considering she has dementia already...we pumped her full of sugar and thought she was okay, nope...the medicine had already done it's damage and last night during supper I thought she was having a stroke. So Sophie ran her to the emergency room...and after being there several hours they pumped her with i v's full of sugar water and she got better, and it was just low blood sugar..but it was scary. So we are taking her glucose count several times of day now, sure don't want to have that experience again.

So it's been a week, but everyone is doing great today...and except for being behind in cleaning...things are good....

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