Friday, February 25, 2011

Bunnies and more

I know what you would love to see...if I ever get over there and take pictures...we have 90 bunnies...they are so adorable. Lyle has always wanted to have rabbits, he did it for a while when Deidra was about it's been just a few years... :)

We use our closet at night as a "nursery" for the "kits" (baby bunnies) because it has been so darn cold at night. We have lost a few bunnies to the weather, so it's a learning process.

Before you read the scary part...if anyone is interested in baby bunnies for Easter...I think we will have a few :) We have white ones, black ones, brown ones...and some mixed.

Well, this is the scary part, they are meat rabbits so I don't visit them often, it makes it hard to handle :} Rabbit meat is lower in fat and higher in protein that the normal meats we use, like chicken, turkey, pork and beef. And rabbit doesn't gross Lyle out like poultry does, so that is why we are now serving rabbit in place of chicken. You just have to adjust, and pretend it's chicken. That's the only way I can handle serving or eating it.

We also are raising our very own laying chickens, so we get between 16 and 21 eggs every day....we have a ton of eggs. Tanya (Lyle's sister), our neighbor, gets four dozen every few days and we still have at least 8 dozen in the fridge all the time :) So we won't starve that's for sure.

We are supposed to plant a garden this year also....but we might not make it...Lyle has been busily taking care of things around here. He is remodeling the first home we lived in here in Harper's acres... and Amron (our son) and Brooke (his wife) will be moving into it. That will free up our house so we have a home to go to when we need a break from Home Plate. It's good for everyone, including residents, to get away from "home" on occasion.

Granny (93 years young) is doing great lately, she isn't even drifting in and out of other times right now. Her blood sugar has stayed very stable on the low end of normal now for over a week. It helps her dementia to have her diabetes under control. Something we learned through a resident we took care of till Mark's home was finished. Like every thing in life, we learn things a little at a time, line upon's a good feeling to help someone live a healthier life, especially at the end of their lives. You know that you have done everything possible to make the transition from this life to the next as comfortable and easy on them as you are capable.

We still are looking for keep us in mind...I really need someone to care for :) ...


  1. Doesn't Graham keep you busy enough?? JK! Thanks so much for helping us out today, and always.

  2. Bjo you are welcome anytime...and Graham is a natural asset to our home...

  3. Lyle read this and thought I meant we serve this to the residents and it is for our food storage, residents are stuck eating the food we buy from the store...
