Thursday, February 17, 2011

talking about the family

Since Granny is our top resident right now, she gets top billing :)
She had a rough night a couple of nights ago, she kept wanting to talk to her sisters on the phone, she mentioned 4 of them during the night, and then the last one yesterday. She was worried about her husband getting coffee, she has had 3 and they have all passed away. She is not unusual in this behavior.
She sees and does things from her memories. I don't really understand it because I am not really schooled in dementia and Alzheimer's. But I do get that somehow her brain has her seeing things and hearing things that are not actually here but somewhere deep inside her subconsciousness. It's pretty amazing when you think about it. It is also fascinating to watch. Like the other day, she was playing peek - a - boo with a small child. It was so cute, of course, there was not a child here. She followed that child with her eyes as it scampered around the table and she smiled with such a sweet expression, that I have no doubt that she was seeing what she claimed to see.
I have heard two theories about this type of is that you play along with the fantasy, the other is you bring them back to reality. If anyone is reading this do you know or have any idea what I should be doing? or know of something I can read to get information about what I should be doing... thanks ahead of time. :)
I wish I was an amazing writer and I could have you enthralled in the story....but alas I am not... :)
Hope you are having a good day


  1. BLESS YOUR HEART!!! My Mother suffered from Dementia and it was harder on us kids then her I am sure. We each handled it differently and I think it all depends on the day and her attitude. For the most part we just went along with her "fantasy" and other times we would gently try to bring her back. One thing we did was to create a photo album of all the kids and grandkids that she could flip through - we would use it as a diversion to "pull her back" to reality. Some day's it would work like a charm and others not so much. Just hang in there and be sure she never hurts you or herself. HUGS again you are amazing. =)

  2. Thanks is harder on the kids to see the changes in their parents...a stranger or caregiver never sees the original personality so they learn to love the one that dementia has brought on so they love them for who they are when they are with them. Does that make can be easier that way for some people. I love the idea of the photo album and will keep it in mind...thank you for being the awesome friend you are :)
