Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Empty again

Well, the family it's really quiet here. Been keeping myself busy cleaning up after the! Well, yesterday i took it pretty today I am repenting and getting the deep cleaning done that is necessary to have a fresh clean home...well some of it. :)

Granny has been doing really well, her blood sugar is very good. She does have a dog now that she wants us to water, (no, there is not a dog) Lyle told her it was in her imagination and she just smiled. She is such a sweetie, so easy to get along with.

Gabby is back from New York, she had an amazing whirlwind trip, she did and saw as much as she could fit in. She even saw Phantom....she wants to go back, she said she misses can tell she is not an Arizona girl.

We are checking into a networking group so we can get more contacts and hopefully get some people into our home. Sophie went and delivered fliers to senior citizen centers around the east valley. We have placed some in at least one Dr's far no calls..
Will is working on a website for us...hoping that will bring some customers to us.
Any of you whiz's at communication have any ideas..please share.

Did I ever mention why we are called Home Plate....well, Lyle's Dad has played baseball and softball since he was a small child. He even played in the service. He still plays on a championship senior team right now. He loves the game. So his children (Tanya) came up with the name and we all loved it and that is why we are called Home Plate...and we even have a small section of our common room dedicated to him.

We are trying to get the Home decorated...when we get something finished..I will take pictures and share...

Well, that about catches us up....Have a great Day!

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