Saturday, February 19, 2011

The house is FULL!!!!

So the house is full, but not with residents... The family is here, we have Gabby, Lyle's niece (mine too) in room 1, we are in 2, Dave (my brother) and April (his wife) are in 3, My father in 4, 5 is empty, Granny is in 6, and Dave's girls (my nieces) are in 7, and his boys (my nephews) in we do have a very Full and LOUD house too! Nothing echo's like an empty house, because although there are people everywhere...there still isn't furniture in all the rooms is the motto for today :) oh, yea, Gabby is the only one staying for awhile...the rest are leaving on though

It's great to have it full of people it would be better if we can just get residents in those rooms- our lives would be much happier. There is something very fulfilling about serving people, even though we "get paid" , I feel like you can still serve them, by going the extra mile to make sure they are healthy, and happy and feel at home. I don't know if I shared this, but when we first started working in this business, we were told, never love the people, never get emotionally attached to them. WRONG!!
It is so much easier to give them the care they need and deserve when you love them..

Anyway, my followers and friends...keep us in mind if you hear about anyone looking for a place...(no pressure)...but we would appreciate it if you kept us as a little side note in the back of your head.

Now a little side note from me... :)
I forgot to mention everyone was here to celebrate my father's 82nd Birthday....He looks great and had his full faculties...he does have some hearing and sight loss, but through the miracle of modern medicine they are fixing the sight loss....if not completely partially, he was already seeing better at our house.

Granny has been sleeping much better....hurray, almost normal...but she is talking more in her sleep...I woke up this morning to "Hey, I am talking to you" ... let me explain, she has a nursery monitor in her room so we can listen for her during the night...make sure she is okay, make sure we can be there asap if she need help...and to hear her talking to the people I can't see. :)

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