Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Anyone need a job

We are looking for a caregiver to work full time, part time, or weekends...they can be already trained and ready to go, or if they are willing to commit to work for us .... for a reasonable time we can help them obtain their caregivers license. It's really quite easy. We will be paying $10.00 an hour....it's very fulfilling work and there are a few beni's....

anyone interested or know of anyone...call us at 480-964-3508 or comment on this blog or email us at harper.homeplate@gmail.com

Also, if you want to come visit, entertain, read to someone, PLEASE..... we love having visitors, and more that we...Mr Brooks would love it and so would Granny Honor, but she won't visit much...she will read the paper :) That is what she loves ....

now for an update,
Mr. Brooks is doing great, he is eating 3 meals a day now and snacks.. he hasn't gained any weight but he looks much better. He feels good most the time but he gets lonely...which is natural. Of course, he has a bad day now and then...but we over all are doing great...he is such a nice person :)

Monday, March 14, 2011

Week end....

Just to let you know...we went to Whataburger for our anniversary...LOL....Lyle loves them..and since I couldn't get him anything...I could give him how we spent the evening..so afterwards we went to the park and watched a coed softball game...it was fun...and our sweet son came and visited with Mr. Brooks from 9 pm to whenever so we could go to sleep without worrying about anyone...our niece came and took care of Mr. Brooks and Granny while we went out. Granny was in bed when our son came. He did have to tell her around midnight that it wasn't time to get up yet....
Anyway, days run into each other working 24/7....you don't remember for sure what day it is always...and it doesn't matter whether it's the week end or not, everyday is the same...except on Sundays...we try to take it easy...still care for everyone but take time to sit and watch a movie, go to church when we can...etc.

Mr. Brooks is doing amazing...his appetites good, he can eat almost every meal, and when he can't he can always eat ice cream :) See what we have to look forward too...
He said the sweetest thing ever Saturday, when I checked on him in the AM and I asked him how he was feeling he said, He feels like he needs to do something to show the people he cares about that he loves them...he wants to give service to someone...if anyone needs a foot massage or back rub he would be willing to give one....he is so kind, always thinking about others. He is such a joy to have around...how can you not feel good when he has such a positive look on life. He has a terminal disease...he will never get better, but he can feel better and he works very hard at it. His family loves him very much...he has many visitors...and phone calls...he also has good friends...that come and see him about once a week at least. It says a lot about a person when they are not left alone, that their families love them and care for them.

I hope I can learn a lot from Mr. Brooks and become the kind of person people want to spend time with...even when I am in a home.... :)

Friday, March 11, 2011

Today is my anniversary...

Which really has nothing to do with this blog, but it is part of my life :) Lyle and I have been married 34 years....wonderful ones to boot.

Mr. Brooks is doing much better, he is eating more everyday...hope this last for him..he had to be put back on the medicine we suspect might be causing the hallucinations. But his DIL and I have other theories, and if they pan out I will keep you posted ... don't want to sound like I think I am a Doctor or anything because I definitely am not. But my son will be :)

That's all I am reporting today, I get to take some time off to spend with my sweet hubby.....makes me happy just to think about it :)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Mr Brooks is better

Mr Brooks is doing great....he hasn't had any hallucinations since that night...they got really really bad and then we gave him some anti - anxiety medication and he slept almost all day yesterday...and he hasn't had one since...I know it's just been a little over 24 hours...but that is still good. He is under Hospice care and they took him off the medication used for RLS...restless leg syndrome...hoping that it will make the difference. Only time will tell. That is the interesting part about this business, you just have to stay on top of it... He has also eaten well today...and that is a good sign... means we will have him a little longer...he is such a sweet man...I just love him :)

I must admit ... I am TIRED....I went to a class given by Hospice of the Valley, last night...I recommend taking a class like this to everyone who knows anyone with Dementia...the class was free...they provided supper...sandwiches or wraps, chips, and water...they were very good sandwiches... :) Anyway, I learned a great deal..the class is geared for home caretakers, but it still taught me many things that I would not have learned on my own. Anyway, it was from 5:30 to 8:30 but I didn't get home until about 9:30...Katy, my niece who is a caregiver came and assisted Sophie (my M.I.L) in taking care of Mr. Brooks and our Granny....so we visisted a while. I then went in and checked on Mr Brooks, gave him his meds and something to eat...it didn't sit well, he has anti nausea medication and I didn't give it to him first because he was really hungry...my mistake...so it didn't stay down well. But today I remembered and he is doing great ...

Okay off subject...you know what i discovered....I like having a shower with the handicap bars..it is so nice to have something to hold on to in the shower, and I can do ballerina at the same time....nude....don't you just love the picture that popped into your head...LOL!!!! I think I am sooooo funny !

Today is another day, and you don't know how tempted I am to erase what is written...haha..
Mr. Brooks is eating better that ever, we sat on the patio for a few hours yesterday, he likes the weather....he has the RLS...restless leg syndrome... and we took him off the meds and now he isn't hallucinating but he can't keep still....poor man...it is a difficult choice....

Anyway have a great one ....

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Mr Brooks

Well, Mr Brooks becomes more and more interesting. He has been in the service and served in WW2 and Korean conflict. He has lived in Idaho, Oregon, and Payson, AZ. His wife passed a few years ago...they had a wonderful marriage..he loved her dearly. He has several photo albums he has put together since he retired...he told Lyle that is something he can do we he retires...LOL...he doesn't know Lyle very well...haha
Anyway, he loves Ice cream, and would rather eat that than anything else....now that he has in common with Lyle. He is such a sweet dear man, so if you ever want to come visit us, he loves company...especially children. He doesn't ever want children to be afraid of him.
Okay, someone might be able to shed some light on this one...
Mr Brooks has been having hallucinations like crazy, but unlike the ones our other residents have had. He knows they are hallucinations and says he thinks he belongs in the loony bin....it breaks my heart to see him so frustrated. The weird thing is they started yesterday all of a sudden, and have just continually gotten worse as time is passing. He didn't sleep at all last night...still isn't ....
Just so you know I already have a spot in my heart for this dear sweet man, I am so grateful his family chose us to share him with. He just steals your heart away with his kindness and sweet disposition. Even with all this confusion he is experiencing he has been nothing but gentle and kind....kind is the best word to describe him. President Hinckley would have loved this man.
Well, it's good to be working again...
We also had a man come by yesterday who is contemplating putting his wife in a home....so maybe things are looking up :)

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Odd observation

I remember now that we have a new resident, "Mr. Brooks" who moved in yesterday :)
The thing I remembered is ...everyone has their very own odor..and you have to get used to it....and sometimes that can be hard. I usually go thru a gagging stage before I adjust. Now I call that dedication ... or crazy..either way I fit the bill.
"Mr. Brooks is sleeping in this morning..he was up late, and got up early because even though I had this thought last night...you out to take that paper cup out of the room and replace it with a plastic one...well, I brought in the plastic cup, and quickly forgot to remove the very full cup of sprite from the bedside table...and guess what..."Mr Brooks" not used to our home and his new surroundings accidentally knocked it over..and I am totally to blame, but of course he blames himself..he told me his arms must have grown during the night...cute huh!
Anyway, I believe we are going to get along fantastically...it's the all nighters that make it hard...lack of sleep and I don't always go hand in hand.
But on the bright side... :) we have a RESIDENT!!!! And I have someone to serve....hurray...hopefully I will take full advantage of this and keep myself very very busy....the day flies when you are busy...and I like that alot! I need to follow my followers and get some pictures on this thing...
that's all for now...

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

New Resident

We are getting our first new resident :)
Some dear friends have been caring for their Dad for the last few years, and it has come to the point where they need help. This is why assisted living homes exist, to help those who are unable to care for their loved ones on a full time basis.
Anyway, "Mr Brooks" will be moving in at the end of this week, and we are looking forward to meeting him. His sweet Daughter in law and grandson came by last night to look at the home and decide for sure whether or not they wanted him to stay with us. She just called and YES! they do. He is on hospice care, which means they will come and help with things like showering, emotional and social needs, and physical needs. Hospice is a wonderful end of life service. They are a very loving and caring organization. They will also help us...it will be a great experience for everyone involved I am sure.
I will keep you informed about how things are going :)