Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Mr Brooks

Well, Mr Brooks becomes more and more interesting. He has been in the service and served in WW2 and Korean conflict. He has lived in Idaho, Oregon, and Payson, AZ. His wife passed a few years ago...they had a wonderful marriage..he loved her dearly. He has several photo albums he has put together since he retired...he told Lyle that is something he can do we he retires...LOL...he doesn't know Lyle very well...haha
Anyway, he loves Ice cream, and would rather eat that than anything else....now that he has in common with Lyle. He is such a sweet dear man, so if you ever want to come visit us, he loves company...especially children. He doesn't ever want children to be afraid of him.
Okay, someone might be able to shed some light on this one...
Mr Brooks has been having hallucinations like crazy, but unlike the ones our other residents have had. He knows they are hallucinations and says he thinks he belongs in the loony bin....it breaks my heart to see him so frustrated. The weird thing is they started yesterday all of a sudden, and have just continually gotten worse as time is passing. He didn't sleep at all last night...still isn't ....
Just so you know I already have a spot in my heart for this dear sweet man, I am so grateful his family chose us to share him with. He just steals your heart away with his kindness and sweet disposition. Even with all this confusion he is experiencing he has been nothing but gentle and kind....kind is the best word to describe him. President Hinckley would have loved this man.
Well, it's good to be working again...
We also had a man come by yesterday who is contemplating putting his wife in a home....so maybe things are looking up :)

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