Monday, March 14, 2011

Week end....

Just to let you know...we went to Whataburger for our anniversary...LOL....Lyle loves them..and since I couldn't get him anything...I could give him how we spent the afterwards we went to the park and watched a coed softball was fun...and our sweet son came and visited with Mr. Brooks from 9 pm to whenever so we could go to sleep without worrying about anyone...our niece came and took care of Mr. Brooks and Granny while we went out. Granny was in bed when our son came. He did have to tell her around midnight that it wasn't time to get up yet....
Anyway, days run into each other working 24/ don't remember for sure what day it is always...and it doesn't matter whether it's the week end or not, everyday is the same...except on Sundays...we try to take it easy...still care for everyone but take time to sit and watch a movie, go to church when we can...etc.

Mr. Brooks is doing amazing...his appetites good, he can eat almost every meal, and when he can't he can always eat ice cream :) See what we have to look forward too...
He said the sweetest thing ever Saturday, when I checked on him in the AM and I asked him how he was feeling he said, He feels like he needs to do something to show the people he cares about that he loves them...he wants to give service to someone...if anyone needs a foot massage or back rub he would be willing to give one....he is so kind, always thinking about others. He is such a joy to have can you not feel good when he has such a positive look on life. He has a terminal disease...he will never get better, but he can feel better and he works very hard at it. His family loves him very much...he has many visitors...and phone calls...he also has good friends...that come and see him about once a week at least. It says a lot about a person when they are not left alone, that their families love them and care for them.

I hope I can learn a lot from Mr. Brooks and become the kind of person people want to spend time with...even when I am in a home.... :)

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