Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Mr Brooks is better

Mr Brooks is doing great....he hasn't had any hallucinations since that night...they got really really bad and then we gave him some anti - anxiety medication and he slept almost all day yesterday...and he hasn't had one since...I know it's just been a little over 24 hours...but that is still good. He is under Hospice care and they took him off the medication used for RLS...restless leg syndrome...hoping that it will make the difference. Only time will tell. That is the interesting part about this business, you just have to stay on top of it... He has also eaten well today...and that is a good sign... means we will have him a little longer...he is such a sweet man...I just love him :)

I must admit ... I am TIRED....I went to a class given by Hospice of the Valley, last night...I recommend taking a class like this to everyone who knows anyone with Dementia...the class was free...they provided supper...sandwiches or wraps, chips, and water...they were very good sandwiches... :) Anyway, I learned a great deal..the class is geared for home caretakers, but it still taught me many things that I would not have learned on my own. Anyway, it was from 5:30 to 8:30 but I didn't get home until about 9:30...Katy, my niece who is a caregiver came and assisted Sophie (my M.I.L) in taking care of Mr. Brooks and our we visisted a while. I then went in and checked on Mr Brooks, gave him his meds and something to didn't sit well, he has anti nausea medication and I didn't give it to him first because he was really it didn't stay down well. But today I remembered and he is doing great ...

Okay off know what i discovered....I like having a shower with the handicap is so nice to have something to hold on to in the shower, and I can do ballerina at the same time....nude....don't you just love the picture that popped into your head...LOL!!!! I think I am sooooo funny !

Today is another day, and you don't know how tempted I am to erase what is written...haha..
Mr. Brooks is eating better that ever, we sat on the patio for a few hours yesterday, he likes the weather....he has the RLS...restless leg syndrome... and we took him off the meds and now he isn't hallucinating but he can't keep still....poor is a difficult choice....

Anyway have a great one ....

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