Tuesday, March 1, 2011

New Resident

We are getting our first new resident :)
Some dear friends have been caring for their Dad for the last few years, and it has come to the point where they need help. This is why assisted living homes exist, to help those who are unable to care for their loved ones on a full time basis.
Anyway, "Mr Brooks" will be moving in at the end of this week, and we are looking forward to meeting him. His sweet Daughter in law and grandson came by last night to look at the home and decide for sure whether or not they wanted him to stay with us. She just called and YES! they do. He is on hospice care, which means they will come and help with things like showering, emotional and social needs, and physical needs. Hospice is a wonderful end of life service. They are a very loving and caring organization. They will also help us...it will be a great experience for everyone involved I am sure.
I will keep you informed about how things are going :)


  1. so exciting for you guys! "mr brooks" is such a cool name... sounds like you'll be serving him tea & cookies every afternoon! lol
