Saturday, March 5, 2011

Odd observation

I remember now that we have a new resident, "Mr. Brooks" who moved in yesterday :)
The thing I remembered is ...everyone has their very own odor..and you have to get used to it....and sometimes that can be hard. I usually go thru a gagging stage before I adjust. Now I call that dedication ... or crazy..either way I fit the bill.
"Mr. Brooks is sleeping in this morning..he was up late, and got up early because even though I had this thought last out to take that paper cup out of the room and replace it with a plastic one...well, I brought in the plastic cup, and quickly forgot to remove the very full cup of sprite from the bedside table...and guess what..."Mr Brooks" not used to our home and his new surroundings accidentally knocked it over..and I am totally to blame, but of course he blames himself..he told me his arms must have grown during the night...cute huh!
Anyway, I believe we are going to get along's the all nighters that make it hard...lack of sleep and I don't always go hand in hand.
But on the bright side... :) we have a RESIDENT!!!! And I have someone to serve....hurray...hopefully I will take full advantage of this and keep myself very very busy....the day flies when you are busy...and I like that alot! I need to follow my followers and get some pictures on this thing...
that's all for now...

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